Nick and Benji get straight to the point. Sort of.
Big Finish News - a Doctor Who Short Trips bonanza and a Martian update...
Captain Scarlet's 50th Anniversary - Gerry Anderson's son, Jamie, chats with Nick about Captain Scarlet and International Thunderbirds Day. A bit of deconstruction and some chuckles along the way...
Listeners' Emails - More from our loyal listeners. You can join in simply by emailing
Guest Star - Jemma Powell. The actor who portrays Barbara Wright in our First Doctor Adventures.
Randomoid Selectortron - another random release is selected from the Big Finish archive... and Ran has done it again! It almost seems to be planned.
Latest Releases - Nick sums up what's new and available to listen to right now, but worries that some of the Doctors are going to kill him. What?!?
Drama Tease - An action-packed extract from one of the upcoming Spectrum Files.